Movie Overview
After a zombie end of the world has overwhelmed the whole New England region, two previous baseball players, Ben (Jeremy Gardner) and Mickey (Adam Cronheim), venture to every part of the byways of Connecticut on account of no destination. Their backstory uncovers that they were caught in a house in Massachusetts, alongside Mickey’s family, for three months. Mickey’s dad, mother and sibling were slaughtered before they made sense of how to get away. From that point forward, Ben contradicts dozing inside and the two have had numerous contentions with respect to the matter. While Ben rapidly adjusts to the “seeker gatherer” and always out and about way of life, Mickey is very nearly the inverse, declining to confront the circumstance and yearns for an “ordinary” life. He declines to slaughter zombies and figure out how to angle, and is continually listening to his CD player with earphones on, copying through batteries and diverting himself from his surroundings, against Ben’s recommendation.As the two visit Mickey’s sweetheart’s presently empty house, Mickey’s proposition to rest inside is again rapidly shot around Ben. While gathering helpful things from the house, Ben discovers two walkie-talkies. As they test the walkie-talkies’ reach, they inadvertently catch a discussion between two different survivors, Annie and “The Orchard”, inferring they fit in with a sorted out gathering of survivors. Mickey willingly gets in touch with them and requests that join, just to be straight cannot. Notwithstanding Ben’s recommendation, Mickey tries reaching them again a couple times, however nobody answers.
The team travel advance and investigate a house inside a backwoods, where Mickey by and by demands staying inside. Ben yields, apparently to facilitate his companion’s disappointment, however takes away Mickey’s earphones for the night. That night, Ben beverages, listens to music and moves, while Mickey talks on the walkie talkie. Annie answers, this time solidly instructs him to stay off the channel and quit reaching her gathering.
The next morning, Ben finds a zombie tied up close to the house and discharges it in Mickey’s room. He keeps the entryway close while asking Mickey to execute it with the slugging stick he cleared out in the room prior. After the battle’s sound stops, Ben opens the entryway, finding his companion has effectively executed the undead. Mickey furiously assaults Ben and tempests outside. As Ben tries to brighten him up, Mickey separates in tears, telling Ben of his discussion with Annie.
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Movie Details
- Movie Name : The Battery 2012
- Movie Size : 756 MB
- Movie Quality : DVD Rip HD
- Movie Type : Horror
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